Change can feel like a maze. Let us show you how it is actually a labyrinth, by following the path of change, it will lead you to your ultimate goal!
No more fancy binders for your bookshelf - let us work with you to create sustainable solutions!
Fresnel Consulting specializes in the often difficult process of motivating people to change their behavior, attitude, and actions. In order to do this, we work with Management to clearly define the company's goals and desired outcomes, then work with employees through training and coaching. Through our dedicated process of change, we work with your employees to help them determine how to align their personal goals with company goals. Employees are taught success strategies that allow them to use the latest scientific developments in peak performance to achieve their goals, thereby also helping the company achieve its goals.
Organizational Change Management and Peak Performance consist of many methods but have the singular focus of helping each individual achieve the maximum amount based on their skills and abilities (and have a good time doing so). We specialize in applicable solutions that work for your environment and your business needs. Set up a meeting with us to find out about our custom-designed solutions to help you create a workplace with high achievers who are eager to use their skills to progress and support the company!
The Change Management Problem and the Solution
The problem with Organizational Change Management today is there is too much information, too much buzz, too many new ways or thinking and new programs and not enough common-sense, simple, straight-forward (but not necessarily easy) solutions. It is difficult these days to find people that truly understand how to influence people and organizations to want to change. With our focus on measuring results, measuring outcomes, and measuring people, we have moved away from the strategies that work, that have always worked, and that will continue to work. Let Fresnel Consulting clear the Change Management clutter and light a path to a straight-forward solution that you can begin implementing within 24 hours. How is that for change at the speed of light? And, solutions that will inspire your employees to thank you, instead of resist you.
What We Offer
Our goal is to leave you with an experience, documents, and materials that are useful *daily* in your organization. Here are some of the solutions that Fresnel Consulting offers our clients:
- Organizational Change Management Strategy Sessions. Invite us into your organization for one to two days, where we will meet with your Change Stakeholders, and put together a clear roadmap of how to get from where you are to where you want to be.
- Training Courses. We offer Success Strategies and Personalized Training Curriculum that combines proven, time honored, success principles into today's rapidly changing environment. Contact us today to support you with leadership training, diversity training, high performance team training, team building, personal development, customer service training, and a number of other personalized training courses. Choose from courses we have already delivered with amazing results, or allow us to customize a course just for you.
- Communications Strategy and Plan. Do you know how information is "actually" communicated in your organization? Do you know who holds the informal power to influence? Let us help you create a method to communicate that gets you the results you want!